Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Nebraska Population Table

Population Trend Graph for Massachusetts by County

Population Graph


A State Map (Alabama 1890)

Population for State Name



GS4: Organizing, Documenting and Graphing Geodata

 Robert Hellstrom

Census Sub-Region: name from GS4

North Carolina

Source of data: IPUMS NHGIS, IPUMS NHGIS | National Historical Geographic Information System, in Excel format

5 Points of interest: paste your links here such as: Football - University of North Carolina Athletics (goheels.com)

The tarheels: 

Ref: https://d141rwalb2fvgk.cloudfront.net/images/2021/10/1/McKoy_J_Hobson_A35I0954.jpg?width=1416&height=797&mode=crop&scale=both&format=jpg&quality=80 

Plymouth county mean centers