Wednesday, September 30, 2020

West Island Fairhaven, MA


Link to population data for Arizona

Link to data for arizona embedded in blogger Link to data for arizona in a new window

My HTML page

Layout for Blogger Post, testing html

Website Logo

Link to weather dot com page
Menu link
Menu link
Menu link
Menu link

My Heading

Here's a two column layout with a header section that spans the width of both columns. The first table row creates the header and contains a single table cell which uses the colspan="2" attribute-value pair. The website logo typically goes in the header section.

The second table row contains two table cells which create the menu column (left) and the content column (right). The colspan attribute is not set in either so they default to colspan="1".

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Massachusetts Population 1880 and 2019

Florida population map by county (1910, when Leon and Miami-Dade Counties had relatively similar populations)

Click here for direct link to the map in Datawrapper

In the map above you see that in 1850, the first official census in Florida, Miami-Dade County had the lowest population and Leon County had the highest population. Why was Leon County so popular?

Click here for direct link to the map in Datawrapper

Note in the map above that Leon and Miami-Dade County locations are far apart, and had relatively similar populations in 1910 just before Miami began attracting many more people.  
Click here for direct link to the map in Datawrapper

In the map above you see that in 2019, Miami-Dade County had the highest population and grew much faster than Leon County since 1910, What led to this dramatic increase in population?.

A Chart created with datawrapper showing county population trends for Florida since the first census

Click for a Direct Link to Datawrapper Graph
This was created from census data through IPUMS NHGIS database search and the USDA population by county database.  You can see the stark contrast in the growth of two counties highlighted in the graph above, Miami-Dade (formerly Dade) and Leon Counties started as the smallest and largest populations in 1850 and reached the same population in 1910.  Since 1910 Miami-Dade county has grown much faster and has gone from the smallest in 1850 to the most populated county in 2019.  Kinda cool fact about population grown in Florida.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Plymouth county mean centers